Safer Granulation
Does your product require compaction granulation?
Is your product or one of its components an explosion hazard?
Do you need a vendor capable handling sensitive compounds?
Stellar Manufacturing helps companies by providing granulation and agglomeration services that involve volatile or caustic materials. Through its new alliance with Bepex International, Stellar Manufacturing has acquired a new Bepex MS 150 granulation system. The MS 150 is housed in a dedicated manufacturing suite and is modified to process and contain products that are a dust explosion hazard. The addition of the MS 150 system is one of many new acquisitions from Bepex that will enhance the customer experience at Stellar Manufacturing.
To find out how Stellar’s particle sizing services can benefit you contact us at or (618) 337-1700.

About Stellar Manufacturing
Stellar Manufacturing Company is a contract manufacturer with 25 years of experience helping companies make products which support a healthier and cleaner lifestyle for everyone. Stellar is a leader in solid particle processing of commercial and industrial products requiring specialty safety and handling procedures such as water treatment chemicals, detergents and agrochemicals. Our services include processing, forming, tableting and packaging of chemicals and materials for use in a variety of applications by Fortune 500 and 1000 companies.