Manufacturing Water Treatment Chemicals and Safety
Safely manufacturing water treatment chemicals requires detailed forethought and planning. Often these chemicals are halogenated or oxidizing compounds and can be a hazard to both workers and facilities. Water treatment products can also be a combustion risk or may need to be sequestered from other reactive products. The safe manufacturing of water treatment chemicals and products requires special quality systems, safety programs, equipment and experienced staff.
At Stellar Manufacturing we have over 25 years of experience safely manufacturing water treatment chemicals for a variety of applications such as cooling towers, food processing, irrigation, agriculture, industrial effluent, potable water, pools and spas. We work with harsh chemicals like trichloro-s-triazinetrione and calcium hypochlorite as well as materials that are a combustion hazard on a regular basis. We even have equipment and manufacturing suites specifically designed for products that may be combustible. Our rigorous safety training and quality systems were developed with water treatment products in mind, and are applied to our extensive toll manufacturing services including compaction granulation, blending, briquetting, tableting, filling and packaging.
To find out how Stellar can support your water treatment product please contact us at (618) 337-1700 or email us at

About Stellar Manufacturing
Stellar is a contract manufacturer with 25 years of experience helping companies manufacture consumer and industrial products. Stellar is a leader in solid particle and bulk material processing for products requiring unique safety and handling procedures. Our services include compaction granulation, briquetting, blending, tableting and packaging of chemicals and materials for use in a variety of applications by Fortune 500 and 1000 companies.